Keyword Position Checker

Enter your domain name :

Keywords :

Check Positions upto :


Enter keywords in separate line.



About Keyword Position Checker

Keyword Position Checker

Keyword Position Checker is a free tool used to detect the position of a website or URL in the search engine (particularly, Google) for a given keyword as per competing with other websites for the same keyword.

For instance, if you run a website selling Cosmetics, you may want to know what position that website currently holds on Google for the keyword “Cosmetic Products.”

Our keyword rank tool shows you this information for completely FREE. The tool is not just quick and simple to use, it is also extremely reliable and effective.

So using this tool gets down to absolute simplicity.

You don't have to be an expert SEO neither do you require technical experience to use it.

Below are the only five steps you'll need to follow:

Step #1: On this page ( where you are right now, scroll up to the spaces provided for entering your data.

Step #2: Enter your URL (or that of your competitor) on the “Your domain” space provided.

Step #3: Enter related keyword of your website.

Step #4: Enter the keywords for which positions you want to check in the “Your keywords” space. Our online rank checker lets you enter up to 20 keywords per check. Make sure you enter  them on seperate line each. 

Step #5: Once you're done, click on “Find Keyword Position” to run your check.

After this our well-built, sophisticated algorithm will return the results.